Prepare Your House for Sale

With the property market running hot, now is a great time to sell your house. Take the time to get it shining in the best light before listing it on the market in order to maximise your sale.



There is no greater motivation to spring clean than when you decide to sell your house. And this shouldn’t be just a run of the mill spring clean, it needs to be the biggest clear-out you’ve had for a while.

It’s always amazing how much stuff we can accumulate if we end up living in one spot for more than a few years. Even more amazing is how much we no longer really notice it! So, the first step is to walk around your house and take a really good look at it. Try to see it through fresh eyes, noticing every knick-knack and pile of books. Open drawers and cupboards, wardrobes and linen closets. If you are feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start clearing out, trying using the KonMari Method by tidying expert Marie Kondo.

Unwanted items can be donated, listed on buy swap and sell pages or thrown away. If you have things that you aren’t ready to part with just yet, but they make the house look cluttered, enlist the help of a friend to store it for you until your house has sold. Clearing out any excess furniture, toys and even clothes can make a big difference to the overall look of your house on open day.


Scrub it until it shines

Once you have finished clearing your home of any unwanted clutter, it is time to roll up the sleeves and give the place a clean like it’s never had before. We are not just talking about giving the bathroom a clean and wiping down the kitchen benches (although you should do that as well), but we also mean cleaning the areas that might often be overlooked on a standard cleaning day. Walls, light switches, skirting boards and ceiling fans are just a few examples of places that need to be wiped down and free of fingerprints and dust. Give the carpets a steam clean, beat the rugs, wash cushion covers and get the pressure hose onto the outdoor tiles.

Some people inspecting the property will want to check out wardrobe space or the pantry storage, so be sure to have the items in all of these spaces neat and tidy.



Make a checklist of all of the things around the house that need fixing, no matter how big or small. There may be things that have been on your to-do list for years and there may be things as simple as a recently blown lightbulb. Whatever it is, any obvious things that need repairing will be tallied up in a buyer’s mind as extra money they need to spend on the property after the purchase. Having it all repaired before going on the market will avoid any negative perception of the home. Of course, there is an exception to this rule, and that is if the house is a clear knock-down or one in need of a major renovation. In those cases, the cost of repairs would far outweigh the return on the sale and so just keeping the place clean and tidy is good enough.



Staging a property before sale has become a very popular thing to do. ‘Staging’ means to style the property with new furniture and decorative pieces chosen specially for your home, just for the duration of the sale period. Good styling will show your house in the very best light and can really highlight the best parts of the home.

You don’t need to do this yourself, there are many companies out there who offer this service. There is a fee of course but you can relax as they come into your home with all of the perfectly suited furniture and items that you need. Property stylists can look over your home with a trained eye and work out how to make the best use of all spaces and highlight areas that might currently be under-utilised. The end result will be beautiful marketing photos and a fresh, neutral look that allows any potential buyer to imagine themselves living in your home.

When you have done all of your cleaning and decluttering, repairs and styling, take one last walk through your home with a critical eye. Start from the very beginning – all the way out on the street! – and move through the home and out into the backyard. If you think you’ve done the most you can to show your house in the best light, it’s time to let your real estate agent take over the marketing campaign and obtain a successful sale for you.

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